
Please join me for wedding planning tid bits, domestic experiments and fun times with J and I!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Preppy Wedding Showers and a Bachelorette Party

Without further ado, bridal shower pics:
The First Shower of the weekend was hosted by these lovely ladies

The party was complete with a beautiful cake sporting some preppy pink hydrangeas

Pink and green flowers adorned the pink covered table

The same flowers made up my corsage

Here I am, mimosa in hand, making the rounds

As the guest of honor, I had the comfy chair! Here I am with my personal attendant, L.

The Preppy bridesmaids!

The second shower was thrown by MOH at her new place. Such fun! Preppy pink and green balloons and streamers decorated the room. Here we are (I'm the one with the fuzzy tiara!).

Of course this party had a preppy pink decorated cake also!

And now, a preppry bachelorette party!

MOH put the party together, and did SUCH a good job of organizing everything!

Preppy aunts showed up with crazy hats, boas and glasses for the party. I also got a sash and beads with a shot glass and a "Hottie Whistle" (I had to blow this for all the hotties at our table all night! aka, the girls and I!)

MOTB and I

PA and I


Our preppy beverage of choice, peach bellinis!

Overall, a much needed evening with the girls amid the chaos of last minute wedding planning! Thank you to all who came! See you again soon!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


J just said this today on the phone (I wasn't listening in, I promise), " . . . our wedding, 2 weeks from this Saturday . . . "

What? When did this happen?!

The good news is, our favors are in and the centerpeices are put together! Pictures of the Preppy Wedding Fairies who have been working on this will follow in a later post.

My shoes have been ordered . . . bet you can't guess what color they will be ;)

And the RSVPs have been counted. Yes that's right, if you have not turned yours in by now you will be getting a phone call from Preppy Mama or Preppy Ma B (as I call them!).

I had two lovely showers a couple of weeks ago thrown by Aunt G, Aunt P, Nana and MOH. So much fun! Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who were there and those who were not who sent their best wishes! Again, pictures to come in a later post (technical difficulties people, bear with me).

Next up is the last dress fitting (I get to take it home!), a serious hair appointment (you will see) and bachellorette party all in one Saturday!


PS- I have put up some helpful links, see sidebar

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday night musings

Here is some silly-ness.

Sometimes we need this after a month of wedding planning :)

First item:

Onions and chocolate.

So I was making spaghetti sauce tonight and chopping onions. . . and bawling my eyes out! Literally, masacara was running down my face. Not pretty. Does that ever happen to you? Your eyes water while you chop onions? So I talk a walk, step out of the kitchen and hunt up some of my Easter chocolate (from Mama!) that was laying around. Apparently I thought this was a chocolate moment (wait, isn't that all the time?).

Here is where it gets freaky. I take the chocolate back into the kitchen and continue chopping onions. As I eat the little bunny ears (Ow!) my eyes aren't watering anymore! Chocolate and onions . . . perhaps there is a connection?? Who knows, but it worked :)

Last but not least:


Okay, you have to watch this. Happy Monday!