Measure out 8-10 cups of snow in a mixing bowl . . .
Combine snow, milk, and vanilla until just mixed Get out your pretty dessert bowls, it's time to scoop up some home-made ice cream!
Happy Snow Day! :)
- H
Red rose topiary and red candles in my Ikea lamp
Happy Monday!
~ H
As the guest of honor, I had the comfy chair! Here I am with my personal attendant, L.
The Preppy bridesmaids!
The second shower was thrown by MOH at her new place. Such fun! Preppy pink and green balloons and streamers decorated the room. Here we are (I'm the one with the fuzzy tiara!).
Of course this party had a preppy pink decorated cake also!
And now, a preppry bachelorette party!
MOH put the party together, and did SUCH a good job of organizing everything!
MOTB and I
PA and I
Our preppy beverage of choice, peach bellinis!
Overall, a much needed evening with the girls amid the chaos of last minute wedding planning! Thank you to all who came! See you again soon!